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IndigoRose Visual Patch v3.5.0.0 (Crear Patches)

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IndigoRose Visual Patch v3.5.0.0 (Crear Patches) Empty IndigoRose Visual Patch v3.5.0.0 (Crear Patches)

Mensaje por jeancarlos01 Lun Oct 19, 2009 12:56 pm

IndigoRose Visual Patch v3.5.0.0 (Crear Patches)


Datos Técnicos:

IndigoRose Visual Patch v3.5.0.0
English | Medicina Incl. | 19.0 MB |Joselito


VisualPatch es una rápida y eficiente solución para los programadores que deseen crear
parches binarios de diferencia para programas, de forma segura. Simplifique la administración
de las versiones de sus programas y convierta la manera complicada de administrar puntos
de actualización en algo totalmente automatizado.
VisualPatch tiene entre sus características los más recientes algoritmos de diferenciación
y compresión binarias. Esto le garantiza parches para programas más pequeños y de mejor
rendimiento. Los algoritmos que emplea VisualPatch fueron desarrollados específicamente
por sus impresionantes características de velocidad. Mientras que el parcheo de los
programas era antes un proceso notablemente lento y tedioso, las empresas que han optado
por VisualPatch poseen una clara ventaja.A diferencia de otros productos, la capacidad de
VisualPatch de parchear el historial completo permita actualizar cualquier versión de su
programa a la última versión. Usted tiene un control total sobre qué versiones de sus
programas pueden ser parcheadas con un sólo fichero ejecutable. Sus usuarios no tendrán
que preocuparse de encontrar múltiples parches y de aplicarlos en el orden correcto, como
tendrían que hacer si usted usara otras herramientas de parcheo menos sofisticadas.

Lo Nuevo de ésta Versión:

This release contains a variety of bug fixes and new features:

*Feature: One of your most asked for features is finally here. You now have the freedom to
create your own custom dialogs from scratch! Start off with an empty wizard dialog and
then drop whatever controls you require onto it. Resize them, reposition them, call script
code and much more. It’s fully featured and totally visual. When one of the built-in dialogs
doesn’t get you where you want to go, the new visual dialog editor is sure to fit the bill.
To use this exciting new feature, look for the “Custom” screen type in the screen gallery.

*Feature: Added two new actions for the new Group Box control on custom screens, DlgGroupBox.
GetProperties and DlgGroupBox.SetProperties.

*Feature: Added a new action called “System.GetOSProductInfo” that gets the product type
for the operating system (only supported on Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008).

*Feature: Added several more folders to the Shell.GetFolder action including: SHF_MYMUSIC,

*Feature: Added Windows 7 to the System.GetOSName action.

*Feature: Made it so that invalid certificates can be ignored through the use of an
undocumented variable called _IgnoreInvalidCertificate.

*Fix: Fixed a bug where File.GetSize would return the incorrect file size for files larger
then 4.7GB.

*Fix: Fixed a bug where the Shell.Execute action was setting an incorrect error code.

*Fix: Fixed a bug were an incorrect error message would be shown at design-time if “Load
from file” was selected for a web page on the Scrolling Text screen and the local file did
not exist.

*Fix: Fixed the language mapping for the Croatian language (a problem with secondary IDs)
and added Bosnian to the language map.

*Fix: Fixed a bug where progress bars were not redrawing properly on non-themed operating
systems on Windows Vista or greater.

*Fix: Fixed a bug where the read-only style for edit fields was not properly being set or
removed when the control was enabled at runtime.

*Fix: Fixed a bug where the design environment would crash when working with screens in
certain situations.

*Fix: Made it so that the HTTP Error Dialog will be displayed (if allowed) if an invalide
certificate is encountered.

*Fix: Fixed a bug where blank default text for a ComboBox control would not initially set
the session variable attached to it.

IndigoRose Visual Patch v3.5.0.0 (Crear Patches) DownloadIndigoRose Visual Patch v3.5.0.0 (Crear Patches) 6g1p76b1


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